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CJC Site Menu


Psychoanalytic Lectures

Español: Conferencias Psicoanaliticas

Applied Psychoanalysis

International (Virtual) Psychoanalytic Society

Audio Lectures


Programs on Sigmund Freud

Programs on Anna Freud

Historical Section


About the CJC

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Accompanying Notes & Papers Presenter

The Unconscious at Work in Organizations, Part I -- 50min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Ken Eisold

The Unconscious at Work in Organizations, Part II -- 48min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Ken Eisold
[Return to the Applied Psychoanalysis Page]





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Last Update: December 11, 2023

copyright 2002 by The Carter-Jenkins Center