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Programs on Anna Freud

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  International (Virtual) Psychoanalytic Society

Lectures and programs are available in CD and/or DVD format and may be purchased for your personal collection/library. Please contact for purchase.


Program Notes Presenter
Key Concepts Developed at the Portman Clinic

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[PDF Version]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Marianne Parsons

Anna Freud Seminar – Libido and Aggression, by Marianne Parsons

[Video Only (Youtube)]
[PDF Version]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Marianne Parsons

Inspiration in Dark Days

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

In Memoriam: Lore Reich Rubin, MD (1928-2024), eminent psychoanalyst and author of “Memories of a Chaotic World: Growing Up as the Daughter of Annie Reich and Wilhelm Reich” (2021)

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Space Exploration as a Metaphor for Transcendence: Psychological Reflections

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

From Trauma to Harming Others, Part 2

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Marianne Parsons

From Trauma to Harming Others, Part 1

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Marianne Parsons

Benveniste’s Libido, Culture, and Consciousness: A Gauntlet Thrown for Freud’s Phylogenetic Project

[PDF Version]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Michael J. Poff, MSW, MA

Psychoanalysis: Science or Art? Science and Art.

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Rebecca Coleman Curtis, Ph.D.

Remember the EarthRise

[PDF Version]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Yanomami Shamanism: The Interpretation of Inner and Outer Realities -- 31min

[Video Only (Youtube)]
[Accompanying Paper (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Freud and the Question of God -- 41min

[Video Only (Youtube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Varieties of Psychoanalytic Listening -- 46min

[Video Only (Youtube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

The Clinical Compass -- 55min

[Video Only (Youtube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Free-Association and the Search for Psychological Meaning in Everyday Life -- 35min

[Video Only (Youtube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

The Repetition Complusion All Over Again -- 43min

[Video Only (Youtube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Mood Disorders and Violence in Adolescence -- 48min

[Video Only (Youtube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Derek Miller, MD

Siegfried Bernfeld and the Spirit of Psychoanalysis -- 1hr 7min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Autism, The Symbolism of the Mouth and a New Approach to ‘Totem and Taboo’ -- 1hr 4min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
Slides (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

W. Ernest Freud: The Life and Work of the "Fort-DA" Baby --47min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

The Brain 10 Years Later --1hr

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Drubach

Clinical Applications of The Affect – Balance Principle Based on Affect Regulation, Part II: Consideration of Substance Abuse and Addictions --41min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Antal Solyom, MD, PhD, MA

Clinical Applications of The Affect – Balance Principle Based on Affect Regulation, Part I --38min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Antal Solyom, MD, PhD, MA

Clinical Assessment and Theoretical Considerations of the Affective Development and Functioning of Infants (3 - 36 Months Of Age) -- 1hr

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Antal Solyom, MD, PhD, MA

The Significance of Mother-Infant Observation for a Better Understanding of our Patients --56min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Marianne Parsons

Non-Intensive Psychotherapy and the Assessment Processs --57min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Marianne Parsons, Pat Radford and Ann Home

Presented by Marianne Parsons

Adolescencia: Reflexiones Teórico - Clinicas (in Spanish)--1hr 7min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Estela Bichi

El Amor en Tiempos de Internet (in Spanish)--1hr 14min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Estela Bichi

The Psychogenic Contributions to Dyslexia, Part III -- 56min
[Video Only (YouTube)]

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

"To whom it may concern" (PDF) - remarks from Dr. Mertens

Dr. Mertens' book, available from [Click here to go to]

Erika Mertens

The Psychogenic Contributions to Dyslexia, Part II -- 1hr
[Video Only (YouTube)]

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Erika Mertens

The Psychogenic Contributions to Dyslexia, Part I -- 58min
[Video Only (YouTube)]

[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Erika Mertens

Working Psychotherapeutically with Children and Adolescents Who Resort to Violence -- 56min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Marianne Parsons

From Biting Teeth to Biting Wit: The Normative Development of Aggression -- 58min

Video Only (YouTube)
Comment on the CJC Blogsite

Marianne Parsons

Libido Development and Cultural Evolution, Part III: From the Paleolithic to Civilization, From Infancy to Adolescence -- 1hr 19min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Libido Development and Cultural Evolution, Part II: The Brief Psychotic Disorder, Autism and their Myth and Ritual Correlates -- 1hr 11min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste, Ph.D.

Psychoanalysis and Our Psychoanalytic Task in Times of Social Upheaval and Traumatic Economy in Latin American Countries -- 34min



Estela L. Bichi
Libido Development and Cultural Evolution, Part I: Totem and Taboo -- 1hr 3min

[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Daniel Benveniste

Parent Work: Notes from the Consulting Room -- 55min


Carol Austad

Adolescence: Transformations -- 1hr 10min


Carol Austad

Latency & the Evolving Ego -- 1hr 29min


Carol Austad

On Group Psychotherapy -- 1hr 20min


N/A Ramon Ganzarain

The Freud Family and Psychoanalytic Theory: An Informal Discussion (Producer Presentation) -- 1hr 9min


N/A Daniel Benveniste

El Inmigrante: “Lo prometido y lo perdido” (Producer Presentation, in Spanish) -- 40min


N/A Adriana Prengler de Benveniste

Recognizing Defenses in the Drawings and Play of Children in Therapy (Producer Presentation) -- 1hr 22min


N/A Daniel Benveniste

Crisis Intervention After Major Disasters (Producer Presentation) -- 56min


Crisis Intervention After Major Disasters (PDF file) Daniel Benveniste

Tratamiento de un sobreviviente de las inundaciones de Venezuela (Producer Presentation, in Spanish) -- 34min


N/A Adriana Prengler de Benveniste

The Impact of Illness and Medical Intervention in a Child's Inner World -- 1hr 6min


N/A Jill Miller

Relationships Among Psychoanalysts -- 54min


Relationships Among Psychoanalysts (PDF file) Ramon Ganzarain

The Japanese Complex of Ajase and Various Types of Guilt -- 46min


N/A Ramon Ganzarain

Countertransference When Incest is the Problem -- 1hr 5min


N/A Ramon Ganzarain

Extra-Analytic Contacts, Fantasy & Reality -- 52min


N/A Ramon Ganzarain

Dangers for Psychoanalysis in the 21st Century and Some Possible Solutions, Including a Proposal for an International Psychoanalytic Institute -- 1hr 46min


Humberto Nagera

A New Dynamic Conception of Human Aggression -- 42min


Anna-Maria Rizzuto

Puberty -- 49min


Carol Austad

The Play Relationship and the Therapeutic Alliance -- 1hr 18min


Morton Chethik

Adolescence: Dangers, Dilemmas, & Delights -- 48min


Marianne Parsons

Conscience Development in Children Under 5 -- 57min


Carol Austad

Play Revisited -- 58min

Download/View (Powerpoint File)

Morton Chethik

Hysteria: The Elusive Neurosis -- 1hr 25min

Download/View (PDF File)

Alan Krohn

Working with Parents of Adolescent Patients -- 53min

(PDF File)

Kerry and Jack Novick

Love in the Therapeutic Alliance -- 1hr 20min


Kerry and Jack Novick

Reclaiming the Land (Reclaiming the Contributions of Psychoanalysis) -- 1hr 16min


Kerry and Jack Novick

Conflict Theory and Trauma Theory -- 59min


N/A Fred Busch

Talking with Strangers -- 1hr 11min


N/A Fred Busch

Acculturation (Producer Presentation) -- 1hr 26min


N/A Pedro Ruiz

HIV-Related Mood Disorders (Producer Presentation) -- 54min


N/A Pedro Ruiz

Psychotherapy of Incest Offenders -- 45min


[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Ramon Ganzarain

Dream of a Dying Man -- 1hr 9min


[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Alexander Grinstein

Acting Out During Psychotherapy of Adults with a History of Incest -- 47min


[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Ramon Ganzarain

The Almost Untreatable Narcissistic Patient -- 1hr 25min

[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Otto Kernberg

Jerzy Kosinski: The Ravages of Childhood Trauma -- 45min


[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Henry Krystal

On Death and Dying -- 1hr 25min


[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Alexander Grinstein

Analysis of the Structure of Play in Sexually Abused and Non-Abused Children -- 55min


[Producer Presentation] (please allow 20-30 seconds to load)


[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Paulina Kernberg

Assessing Identity in Children and Adolescents -- 48min

[Producer Presentation] (please allow 20-30 seconds to load)


[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Paulina Kernberg

Transference Focused Psychotherapy in Severe Personality Disorders -- 50min

[Producer Presentation] (please allow 20-30 seconds to load)


[Video Only (YouTube)]
[Accompanying Slides (PDF)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Otto Kernberg

Motherhood is an Ebb and Flow... It Lasts a Lifetime. -- 54min


Abstract (PDF)
[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite
Ruth Lax, Ph.D, ABPP

Countertransference -- 1 hr 31min


[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite
Otto Kernberg

Complications in the Psychodynamic Treatment of the Borderline Patients -- 1 hr 22 min


[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite
Otto Kernberg

Psychoanalytic Approaches in Trauma, Alexithymia, Psychosomatic and Addiction Problems -- 1 hr 27min


[Video Only (YouTube)(WMV)]
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]
Henry Krystal

Trauma, Conflict & Deficit in Actual Incest
1 hr


[Video Only (YouTube)]
Download/View monograph (PDF)
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]  
Ramon Ganzarain

Conflict, Treason and Terrorism. An Attempt at Psychoanalytic Understanding
-- 1 hr 17min


[Video Only (YouTube)]
Download/View monograph (PDF)
[Comment on the CJC Blogsite]

Humberto Nagera

Psychoanalytic Lectures


N/A Various

Anna Freud Diagnostic Profile Series (Mini-course in Psychoanalysis and Psychodynamics) -- 12 part series


N/A Humberto Nagera, MD
For more lectures and papers of interest, please visit the section on View/Download Lectures and Papers.





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Last Update: March 20, 2025

copyright 2002 by The Carter-Jenkins Center