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Psychoanalytic Training at the CJC

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CJC Psychoanalytic Institute


(Subject to Change)


Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts (Part One)

Historical, conceptual readings of Freud’s major contribution to psychoanalytic theory are systematically examined. The focus of this first semester course will be on the unconscious, instincts, mental conflicts, resistance, and symptom formation.

Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts (Part Two)

Continuation of the Basic Concepts. The evolution of drive from force to regulating principle, the development of affect from discharge to signal to cognition, and the maturation of the id will be discussed.

The Psychoanalytic Theory of Dreams

The Interpretation of Dreams will be carefully read and discussed. Its reading reflects the unfolding of psychoanalytic theory and represents his efforts to construct a general psychology. Sample dreams will be studied using Freud’s discoveries to demonstrate the utility of the psychoanalytic theory of dream interpretation.

The Theory of Psychoanalytic Technique (Combined with continuous Case Presentations of Child/Adults)

This course will explore what is required of the analyst and the patient in an analytic relationship. Indications for psychoanalysis and analyzability will be a major focus. The opening phase of psychoanalysis with children and adults will be discussed.

Psychoanalytic Technique: Resistance, Transference, Counter-transference, Confrontations, Interpretations, Reconstructions, Etc., (with clinical examples)

The concept of resistance and defense is approached from a clinical point of view and from a meta-psychological point of view. The concept s of transference, counter transference, centrality of the interpretative process (including reconstructions and other interventions) are discussed. will also be studied.

Psychoanalytic Theory of Development

Infancy and Toddler Stages (including Infant Observations)

Infancy and childhood (Through the oedipal years) will be studied. Emphasis will be given to the parent-child relationship to help understand the development of object relationships, ego functioning, the vicissitudes of libido and aggression, the genetic and dynamic sources of defenses and the development of a sense of reality.

Infant Observation/Infant Observation Seminar

Observation and seminar discussion of a mother-infant relationship. Attention is given to the interpretation of the mother’s and infant’s unfolding relationship in light of psychoanalytic concepts and understanding.

The Oedipal Child, Latency and Pubertal Changes

Clinical and contemporary views of Oedipal complex, and latency and pubertal period are reviewed. Emphasis will be on the development of gender identity autonomy, and the origins of the transference neurosis.

Adolescence and Adulthood

Growth and maturation during adolescence and adulthood including the vicissitudes of aggression and sexuality, autonomy and competence will be examined. Male and female development will be explored.

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Last Update: August 30, 2005

copyright 2002 by The Carter-Jenkins Center