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Psychoanalytic Training at the CJC

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CJC Psychoanalytic Institute


(Subject to Change)


Psychoanalytic Theory: The Ego

The historical development of the ego and the structural theory are reviewed. The adaptive foundations of the ego, its conflict-free functions, etc., are studied. Applications to psychoanalysis theory and technique are discussed.

Psychoanalytic Theory: The Super Ego

Beginning with a historical and conceptual overview of the concept of super ego, a systematic review of the origins and precursors of the super ego is undertaken, beginning in childhood through latency, adolescence, and adulthood. Also, super ego features relating to gender, social and cultural extensions and within the analytic situation are discussed. Clinical application, including regarding transference interpretation will be discussed.

Psychoanalytic Theory: Comparative Psychoanalysis I

Review of contributions to psychoanalytic thought; material from Doctors Freud, Abraham, Ferenczi, Rank, Reich, Jung, etc. linked with issues that are present today.

Psychoanalytic Technique: Special Issues

The focus of this seminar is to relate psychoanalytic concepts and theory to analytic process with its many components. Themes such as the therapeutic alliance, identification, free association, etc., will be the focus.

Psychoanalytic Technique: Clinical Use Of Dreams

Technical problems of dream interpretation in clinical practice. The seminar will cover the role of the dream as a form of communication and its relationship to other forms of psychic communications. Both historical and modern views of dreams and their interpretation will be covered. The relationship of dreams to free association, defense analysis, etc., will be discussed.

Psychoanalytic Technique: Application of Principles

Discussion of what has been learned about psychoanalytic technique and its application. Case examples, from instructors and/or candidates will be used. Current controversies will be explored.

Psychopathology: Freud’s Early Theories of Neurosis

The concept of conversion and its relation to symptom formation is presented. The case is reviewed and the psychoanalytic understanding of hysteria and hysterical personality is reviewed. Freud’s Theory of Anxiety is discussed. The Rat Man is reviewed both as an example of obsessive-compulsive disorder and, more importantly, as an illustration of how Freud evolved his ideas about the structure of the neurosis, conflict and defense.

Conflict, Interference and Compromise in Development Psychopathology: Character and Character Neurosis

This seminar will identify the characteristics evident in particular developmental periods that could contribute to neurotic and character ***development, various conditions and syndromes first evident in infancy, childhood, and adolescence will be studied.

Psychopathology: Character and Character Neurosis

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Last Update: August 30, 2005

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